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Presentation of Credentials to the President of the Italian Republic
Views: 2719 | Date: 15.02.2017

On February 13, 2017 the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Tajikistan to the Italian Republic (with residence in Vienna) Mr. Ismatullo Nasredinov presented his Letters of Credence to the President of the Italian Republic H.E. Sergio Mattarella at the Quirinal Palace in Rome.
After the ceremony of presenting credentials a meeting between the Ambassador of Tajikistan and the President of Italy, with participation of the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Italy Angelino Alfano took place.

During the conversation Mr. Nasredinov conveyed greetings from the Founder of Peace and National Unity – Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon to his Italian counterpart. In response, the President of the Italian Republic expressed his gratitude and noted the importance of the appointment of the Ambassador of Tajikistan to his country for the further development of relations ... Read more »

New electronic system of visa processing and issuance
Views: 3523 | Date: 21.12.2016

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan informs that a new electronic system of visa processing and issuance for foreign nationals and stateless persons will be introduced in diplomatic missions and consular offices of the Republic of Tajikistan and the Main Consular Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan on 1 January 2017.

The new system’s objective is to simplify the Tajik visa processing procedures and it is another step in introduction of electronic public services.

Now foreign nationals and stateless persons need to submit the necessary documents to obtain a Tajik visa in the diplomatic missions and consulates of the Republic of Tajikistan and to extend their visas in the Main Consular Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan at Depending on the results of ... Read more »

Participation of the Minister of Foreign Affairs in the 23rd OSCE Ministerial Council Meeting
Views: 2509 | Date: 12.12.2016

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan Mr. Sirodjidin Aslov has participated and made a statement at the plenary session of the 23rd    OSCE Ministerial Council Meeting started on 8 December 2016 in Hamburg, Germany.

In his statement Minister Aslov has highlighted the position of Tajikistan on key issues of the OSCE Agenda, including the issues of reforming process in the Organization, urgency of taking joint efforts by the OSCE participating states on combating terrorism, illegal trafficking of drugs and weapons, as well as strengthening security in Afghanistan.

Tajik Foreign Minister has drawn the attention of the heads of delegations of the OSCE participating States to existence of double standards in the organization's approach and some of its countries’ attitude, unacceptability of participation of criminal individuals and groups ... Read more »

Meeting with the President of Hungary Janos Ader
Views: 2383 | Date: 12.12.2016

On November 29, in Budapest, the Founder of Peace and National Unity - Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan, His Excellency Emomali Rahmon met with the President of Hungary Janos Ader in the sidelines of the Budapest Water Summit 2016.

President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon pointed out that "Announcing our next initiative on a new International Decade for Action under the motto ‘Water for Sustainable Development” would contribute to the achievement of SDGs", and expressed confidence that Hungary, in the spirit of kind traditions of partnership and as an active member of the High-level Panel on Water Issues, will support this initiative

The sides discussed the issues of strengthening the long-term and mutually beneficial interstate cooperation.

It was stressed that the legal foundation of bilateral relationships between Tajikistan and Hungary consist of 7 documents of co ... Read more »

Participation in the Budapest Water Summit
Views: 2137 | Date: 12.12.2016

On November 28, 2016, the Founder of Peace and National Unity - Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon as the head of leading pioneer state in water-related international issues attended and spoke at the Budapest Water Summit.

The work of this important water forum was also attended by the Hungarian President Janos Ader, President of Mauritius, co-chair of the High-level Panel on Water Issues, Ms. Amina Gurib Fakim, Prime Minister of the People's Republic of Bangladesh, Shaikh Hasina, President of the UN General Assembly, Peter Thomson, and Executive Director and Financial Manager of the World Bank Joaquim Levy. Budapest Water Summit started with an opening speech by the President of Hungary Janos Ader and video message of the United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. Then, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon delivered a speech before the participant ... Read more »

Interview of the Minister of Foregn Affairs of Tajikistan to Jumhuriyat newspaper
Views: 2421 | Date: 06.08.2016

Exclusive interview of Dodojon Ruziev, Head of Jumhuriyat newspaper’s Legal Department with Sirojidin Aslov, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan

- Dear Mr. Aslov, it is obvious that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has a leading position and plays a key role in implementation of independent Tajikistan’s foreign policy. Nowadays, we are on the eve of celebration of our State Independence. What are the achievements of our foreign policy?

- Tajikistan’s foreign policy is the product of independence period in its full sense, the founder and designer of which is the Founder of Peace and National Unity, Leader of Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan, His Excellency Emomali Rahmon. Establishment of relations with the foreign world and introduction of Tajikistan as an independent country in international arena was one of the most important a ... Read more »

International Symposium “Ensuring that no one is left behind in access to water and sanitation”
Views: 2862 | Date: 29.07.2016

A High-level Symposium on “Sustainable development goals (SDG) 6 and Targets: Ensuring that No One is Left Behind in Access to Water and Sanitation“, co-organized by the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan and the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA) to be held on 9-11 August 2016 in Dushanbe.

The meeting will bring together government officials, policy-makers in water resources management, experts from international organizations, academic and research communities, business executives, and representatives of civil society groups. Approximately four hundred participants are expected to attend, two hundred of which will be foreign participants.

During the Symposium the following issues would be discussed:

  • strengthen capacities of national and local governments to promote integrated water resource management;
  • share knowledge and experience in innovative practices in improving access to water, sanit ... Read more »
The High-Level Symposium on SDG 6 and Targets: Ensuring that no one is left behind in access to water and sanitation
Views: 3048 | Date: 28.06.2016


The High-Level Symposium on SDG 6 and Targets: Ensuring that no one is left behind in access to water and sanitation organized by the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan in cooperation with UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN-DESA) is scheduled to be held on 9-11 August 2016 in Dushanbe, Tajikistan.

          The meeting will bring together government officials and policy-makers in water resources management, experts from international organizations, academic and research communities, business executives and representatives of civil society groups.

The Symposium aims to:

  • Strengthening capacities of national and local governments to promote integrated water resource management;
  • Share kn ... Read more »
Tajikistan elected to become member of ECOSOC
Views: 2595 | Date: 16.06.2016

On 14 June 2016, the General Assembly has elected 18 members of the United Nations Economic and Social Council for the term 2017-2018. Of 185 UN Member States present during the voting our country has managed to get 183 votes from Asia Pacific Group followed by CHINA (182), UAE (180), and Republic of Korea (179).

Along with the candidacy of Tajikistan from the Group of Asia and Pacific States, China (182), United Arab Emirates (180) and the Republic of Korea (179) were elected for the membership of ECOSOC.

Among the other regional groups in the membership of ECOSOC were also elected Azerbaijan (176), the Russian Federation (169), United Kingdom (172) Norway (177), Venezuela (177), and other countries.

The Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) is the United Nations’ central platform for reflection, debate, and innovative thinking on sustaina ... Read more »

High-Level Experts Meeting on Finding Development Solutions to Preventing Violent Extremism
Views: 2347 | Date: 16.06.2016

On June 13, 2016 Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan Sirodjidin Aslov made a statement at the High-Level Experts Meeting on Finding Solutions to Preventing Violent Extremism held in "Kohi Navruz", Dushanbe, Tajikistan.

Minister in his statement emphasized that at present violent extremism, as a multifaceted negative phenomenon, has been gaining more cross-border nature and spread of radicalization ideas also have had socio-economic and ideological prerequisites promoting susceptibility of the individual segments of population to extremist ideas and slogans.

Having touched upon the cooperation on this issue, Sirodjidin Aslov pointed out that the inefficient regional and international cooperation in this field can contribute to strengthening of the processes of radicalization and extremism. In its turn, the Republic of Tajikistan in accordance with its international commitments takes necessary measu ... Read more »