We 22.01.2025


The Tajikistan has become Member State of UNIDO on June 9, 1993. UNIDO has been operational in the Republic of Tajikistan since 1994, and has implemented country technical assistance projects, and provided policy advice in the following areas:

  • Improving the operation of the Tajik Aluminium Smelter (1996)
  • Industrial growth and competitiveness development (1998)
  • Programming exercise for Tajikistan (2004)
  • Enabling activities to review and update the national implementation plan (NIP) (2013)
  • Strengthening fruits and vegetables sub sectors (2014)

The Europe Newly Independent States (NIS) Programme is a part of UNIDO's long-term Programme Coordination and along with four other Regional Programmes plays key role in coordination of UNIDO technical cooperation. The Europe NIS Programme covers 29 countries, including Tajikistan. In 90s at the request of Government of Tajikistan UNIDO has undertaken a programming exercise to assist the country's post-war reconstruction. Current Government's priority is to create favorable conditions for making the economy, including the industrial sector, more efficient and self-sustained.  UNIDO field missions to Tajikistan continues assessment of local needs, selecting those areas which were not covered by assistance from other international donors and ensured support of the UN Resident Coordinator.

Ongoing UNIDO Projects in Tajikistan are:

  • Strengthening fruit and vegetable sub sectors in Tajikistan for creating new jobs and food security
  • Industrial modernization and competitiveness improvement of carpet-weaving and embroidery/textile sectors in Tajikistan (PA)
  • Enabling activities to review and update the national implementation plan (NIP) for the Stockholm Convention (SC) on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs)
  • QUALIREG – Technical Assistance for the support of the quality infrastructure and harmonization of technical regulations in Tajikistan

UNIDO Regional project initiative on  Investment  Promotion  Platform for Central Asian  and the Caucasus  countries  is proposed  as a pilot  joint  project  in the field  of investment promotion  to cover 8  countries  of Central Asia, including Tajikistan.  Current Regional Technical Cooperation Projects with Country’s Participation consist of:

  • Improvement of industrial statistics and development of indicators of industrial performance for policy-relevant analysis in CIS countries
  • Achieving good governance and sustainability through quality policy formulation in the ECO region

UNIDO strategy to further technical cooperation with Tajikistan in regional scope includes pipeline projects as well.