Views: 1344 |
Date: 03.07.2018
Statement by H.E. Mr. Emomali Rahmon, President of the Republic of Tajikistan at the opening ceremony of the International High-Level Conference on the International Decade for Action "Water for Sustainable Development, 2018-2028” |
Views: 1425 |
Date: 18.05.2018
Statement by the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, H.E. Emomali Rahmon Meeting with community representatives on the eve of the Holy Month of Ramadan Distinguished Compatriots, Dear Participants, These days the peoples of the Islamic World, including the inhabitants of our country, are on the eve of the holy month of Ramadan, which will start on May 17th as the time of thanksgiving, remission and forgiving sins and grievances, purification of souls and the performance of good and noble deeds. With this regard, I would like to offer my sincere congratulation to the glorious people of Tajikistan, our compatriots living overseas and all of you, dear participants, and wish everybody health and prosperity, diligence and patience, and peaceful environment for prosperity and abundance to every family. For Muslims of our Motherland, who are followers of the moderate and tolerant Hanafi Mazhab, Islam is the embodiment of the strengt ... Read more » |
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Date: 08.05.2018
High-Level International Conference on Countering Terrorism and Preventing Violent Extremism in Dushanbe On May 3-4, 2018 by the initiative of the Government of Tajikistan and in collaboration with the United Nations, the OSCE and the EU the High-Level International Conference on Countering Terrorism and Preventing Violent Extremism was held in Dushanbe, Tajikistan. More than 400 delegates from 48 countries took part in the Conference, including 31 international and regional organizations, representatives of the diplomatic corps, civil society and academia. His Excellency Mr. Emomali Rahmon, President of the Republic of Tajikistan, attended the opening ceremony and delivered a keynote address to the participants, in which he gave comprehensive analyses on the current international and regional situation and called for coordinated efforts in preventing and combating modern security challenges in order to maintain ... Read more » |
Views: 1979 |
Date: 03.01.2018
MAIN DEFENDER: from commandership to improvement. Interview with former commander Hakim Qalandarov There is one step in the path from love to betrayal, from improvement to destruction, as well as from good to badness. Yesterday Hakim Qalandarov was a commander, and he is engaged in the improvement of the Motherland now. It is difficult to find him in Panj District. He worked hard and was engaged in various works. We found him before the table cloth with ample food in a beautiful building. Turkey-cock, homemade chicken, trout, beef, lamb and rabbit meats were the fruits of his labors and hands. The distance from this dastarkhan with plentiful food and that yesterday's dastarkhan with only a bread is also one step. And this one step divides that river bed of the Panj River, which was plunged into the maelstrom of the war and murders and this stormy shore of the children's smile. Therefore, I ask: Is this your home? He smiles, looks at the people ... Read more » |
Views: 1637 |
Date: 03.01.2018
Alive witness of the IRPT outrages A special interview with Siyahakov S.Sh. - one of the leaders of the Security Organization for the Migrants of the Islamic Renaissance of Tajikistan (security body of the United Tajik Opposition (UTO) in the 90s years about the harmful and diversionary activities of IRPT in the years of civil war and intervention of foreign forces in it. ... Read more » |
Views: 1813 |
Date: 14.11.2017
DUSHANBE, 08.11.2017. As previously was reported, the responsibility for the recent terrorist attack in New York was assumed by ISIL (banned in Tajikistan). This again demonstrates the serious threat posed by this terrorist organization to the whole world, including to Tajikistan, which is part of the world community. Especially at a time when the teaching, activities, and aims of ISIL and the extremist-terrorist organization of the Islamic Renaissance Party of Tajikistan (banned in Tajikistan) coincides. About this, an article was published in the newspaper “Faraj”, which today we decided to reprint in English translation. Over the last years, the whole world has been shocked by the brutality of an extremist and terrorist group of the so-called “Islamic State” or ISIL. Every day, people around the world are horrified by the scenes of a particularly brutal group killing of innocent people, the burning or blowing up people, recording video on killing p ... Read more » |
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Date: 08.11.2017
(Special interview of the “Jumhuriyat” correspondent with the Deputy Prosecutor General of the Republic of Tajikistan, The Main Military Prosecutor Major-General S. R. Mirzozoda) In the modern world, the phenomenon of extremism and terrorism creates serious threats to the human development. Politicization of religion in the geopolitic games became as standard practice of Great Powers that leads to conflicts in different regions of the world. In this regard, we have had a talk with the Deputy Prosecutor General of the Republic of Tajikistan, the Main Military Prosecutor Major-General S. R. Mirzozoda. First of all, we express our appreciation for the interview and we will begin by asking this question: – In September of this year, in the weekly newspaper “Tajikistan” was published the interview of Mr. Sharifi Hamdampur with Mr. Azizov Shams Odinaevich, the judge of the Supreme Court, who adopted the decision of the court on recognizing the ... Read more » |
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Date: 09.10.2017
THERE WERE THREE DAYS LEFT BEFORE THE COUP. Interview of Sharifi Hamdampur with the judge who banned the IRPT activity The decision of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Tajikistan on banning the activity of the IRPT and on its recognizing it as terrorist and extremist organization became the reason for the meeting of supporters of this party in the cities of Berlin and Warsaw. Did the Supreme Court of the Republic of Tajikistan have the legal basis for the adoption of this decision or this action was carried out within the framework of a political initiative? To receive a response to this question, the weekly “Tajikistan” with an official letter appealed to the Supreme Court of the Republic of Tajikistan. Azizov Shams Odinaevich, the judge of the Supreme Court, who adopted the decision of the court on recognizing IRPT as terrorist and extremist organization, expressed his readiness to answer to the questions of the “Tajikistan” columnist. ... Read more » |
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Date: 04.08.2017
Referring to the information agency NIAT “Khovar” officials and published information on its website on July 15 and 20, 2017 the Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (RATS SCO), in accordance with the list of terrorist, extremist and separatist organizations, whose activities are banned on the territory of the SCO member states, included the banned Islamic Revival Party of Tajikistan (IRPT) in the list of terrorist organizations on January 29, 2016. ( |