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Presentation of the Book "The Tajik Golden Heritage" in Vienna

On 19 March 2013 celebration of "Navruz" and presentation of the book "The Tajik Golden Heritage" authored by Tajikistan Foreign Minister H.E. Hamrokhon Zarifi, took place in Vienna in Belvedere Palace. This event was organized by the Embassy of Tajikistan to Austria/Permanent Mission to OSCE, UN and other International Organizations in Vienna.

Representatives from government and private bodies, public and political figures, representatives from scientific and cultural circles of Austria, including President of the Austrian Academy of Sciences Prof. Dr. Helmut Denk, OSCE Secretary General Ambassador Lamberto Zannier, Head of Department for Eastern Europe, Western Balkans, Southern Caucasus, Central Asia, Central European Initiative of the Austrian Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs Ambassador Heidemaria Gurer as well as Tajik compatriots participated at the festive event.

At the beginning of the event Tajikistan Permanent Representative to OSCE, UN and other International Organizations in Vienna Ismatullo Nasredinov has welcomed participants and congratulated them with the international celebration of "Navruz". Permanent Representative briefed about publication of the book "The Tajik Golden Heritage". In particular he marked that publication of this book in German allows readers in Austria be familiarized with diverse art and crafts of Tajik nation. Also it was mentioned that presentation of the book is being held after official visit of the Austrian Federal President Dr. Heinz Fischer to Tajikistan, which is a valuable gift dedicated to this historical event in relations between Tajikistan and Austria.

In her address representative of the Austrian Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs spoke about achievements in relations between Tajikistan and Austria in 21 years and marked that there are close bilateral ties in different spheres. According to her opinion presenting of such book is a valuable contribution for the development of scientific and cultural ties.

Then scientists and experts from Austrian side were given opportunity to express their opinion about book "The Tajik Golden Heritage".

Experts particularly stressed that this book contains information about how during years and centuries talented Tajik nation created and collected samples of art and crafts articles and today this book makes it possible to be acquainted with them.

At the same time issue of ancient history of Tajiks was touched and mentioned that there are number of historical relics, related to art and crafts of Tajik nations situated not only in the territory of modern Tajikistan but also in the region of Central Asia and its beyond. In this regard, book "The Tajik Golden Heritage" granted a wide possibility for readers to learn about diversity of the Tajik's art and crafts forms and shapes.

It was stated that nevertheless of rich cultural heritage of Tajikistan, unfortunately it is not well known for ordinary people out of the country. Book "The Tajik Golden Heritage" fills in this gap and gives comprehensive illustrated information about national art of Tajiks. At the same time this book can be used as a source for further study of crafts and technologies of the nations in Central Asia. Speakers expressed their gratitude to the author of the book "The Tajik Golden Heritage" for expound of art and crafts history.

During the event a short film about "Navruz" traditions in Tajikistan and achievements of the republic in different sectors was displayed. Also during the presentation high resolution illustrations and photos from the book "The Tajik Golden Heritage" were demonstrated.

After official part of the event guests and participants were invited to the festive reception with traditional Tajik food.

On the margins of the event publications and information materials on policy, culture, investment and touristic opportunities in Tajikistan were presented.

At the end of the event personal copies of the book "The Tajik Golden Heritage" were presented to guests and participants.

Viewed: 4008 | Date: 25.03.2013