1.First of all, I would like to express sincere gratitude to His Excellency, Mr. Eamon Gilmore, Acting Chairman of OSCE, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Republic Ireland for excellent arrangement of our work, and also to congratulate His Excellency, Mr. Konstantin Grishchenko, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine in connection with his election on high position of the next Acting Chairman of our Organization. 2. We continue to consider OSCE as the largest regional organization in the security area, aimed at earlier prevention of conflicts, settlement of crises and post‐conflict rehabilitation. Without having a complete institutional basis and, despite the name ʺorganizationʺ, OSCE, nevertheless, is an important platform for exchange of opinions and search of mutually acceptable decisions in security affairs, representing mutual interest for all of its participants. We believe that it is necessary for us to make efforts t
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