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STATEMENT by the Prosecutor General's Office of the Republic of Tajikistan

by the Prosecutor General's Office of the Republic of Tajikistan

As it is already known, on 29 July 2018 four foreign tourists were killed and two were seriously injured on the Kulyab-Dushanbe highway as a result of the deadly attack.

On the same day the Prosecutor General of the Republic of Tajikistan initiated a criminal case under Article 104 (murder) of the Criminal Code of Tajikistan and an Interdepartmental Emergency Operation Group consisting of the representatives of the Prosecutor's Office, Police and National Security officers was established for the immediate response to this criminal issue. The Group launched urgent operational and investigative measures.

The investigation found that the crime was carried out by members of the terrorist-extremist organization - the former "Islamic Revival Party", the residents of Pyanj district Hussein Abdusamadov, Asomiddin Majidov, Zafar Safarov and the residents of Nurek city, brothers Asliddin Yusupov and Jafar Yusupov under cover of the so-called "Islamic state".

On 28 July 2018 the above mentioned persons noticed a group of foreign tourists in the territory of Vose district riding bicycles in the route to Dushanbe and chased them with the purpose of committing terrorist attack against them.

On 29 July2018 when the six foreign tourists had reached Safobahsh village in Dangara district approximately at 15:30, the criminals deliberately run over them by car and later severely injured them by knives and an axe, leaving the crime place immediately.

As a result of this serious indictable offense, the US citizens Jay Austin and Lauren Geoghegan, the Dutch citizen René Wokke and the Swiss citizen Marcus Hummel were killed, and the Swiss citizen Marie-Claire Diemand and the Netherlands citizen Kim Iris Postma, who had been severely injured, were taken to the central hospital of Danghara district.

As a result of the operational search activities and the active assistance of the population of the Lohur village, the location of the criminals was found and at the night of 29 to 30 July 2018 the leader of this criminal group Hussein Abdusamadov was found and detained, and four other of his accomplices - Asomiddin Majidov, Zafar Safarov, Asliddin Yusupov and Jafar Yusupov were liquidated during the detention because of armed resistance. The car and the instruments of crime of the criminals were confiscated by the law enforcement bodies.

The investigation also found that the criminal group under the leadership of Hussein Abdusamadov committed this hideous crime under the command of Nosirkhuja Akhtamovich Ubaydov - the active member of the former "Islamic Revival Party".

The investigation has established that the committed crime was a terrorist act aimed at destabilization of the situation, creation of an atmosphere of fear and panic in the society and damage of the image of Tajikistan in the international arena.

The pledge of allegiance to the "Islamic State" terrorist organization, disseminated by the criminals through the Internet, was aimed to divert the suspicions from the "Islamic Revival Party" terrorist organization which was the main perpetrator of this terrorist act.

During the investigation the links of this terrorist group with other criminals were established. As a result, ten residents of Nurek city were detained and taken into custody, including two for sponsoring the group's leader Hussein Abdusamadov and 8 persons for non-disclosure of the planned terrorist act.

The investigation of the criminal case continues.

Press Center of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Republic of Tajikistan

Viewed: 1557 | Date: 10.08.2018