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OSCE Informal High-Level Meeting in Helsinki

On July 10, 2015 the OSCE Informal High-Level Meeting was held in Helsinki Fiinland to mark 40th anniversary of Helsinki Final Act. Tajikistan was represented at this event by Permanent Representative to the OSCE and other International organizations in Vienna Mr. Ismatullo Nasredinov.

This event was initiated by Serbia as OSCE Chair in 2015 and hosted by Finland. Representatives of OSCE participating states and partners for co-operation took part at this metting.  

Informal high level meeting was held in the “Finland hall" where original signing of Helsinki Final Act took place in 1975.

Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Finland Mr. Timo Soini, First Deputy Prime Ministe, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia and OSCE Chairperson n Office Mr. Ivica Dacic, OSCE Secretary General Lamberto Zannier, Swiss Foreign Minister Mr.Didier Burkhalter, Special Representative of the Federal Government for Germany’s OSCE Chairmanship in 2016 Mr.Gernot Erler ave addressed participants at the commemorative session. UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s message was delivered by the UN Deputy Secretary-General, Executive Director of the UN Office on Drugs and Crime Mr. Yuriy Fedotov. 

During the OSCE informal high-level meeting participants discussed items of the agenda related to challenges that OSCE are faced, achievements of this Organization within the 40 years and other current issues.    

Tajikistan signed the Helsinki Final Act in February 1992.

Viewed: 3264 | Date: 20.07.2015